Saturday, August 4, 2018

Meditation Made It Simple

Nowadays, in the hectic and modern lifestyle people live under tremendous pressure and anxiety  and they are not aware of it. Today's world is so competitive that people don't have time to invest for themselves, they don't have time to know their mind, they don't have time to talk to their inner souls. They are lacking in their inner peace of mind.

Well... the most easiest way to calm yourself is Meditation. Just spend few minutes with yourself and you will win half of the battle. Meditation is basically training your mind just like exercise  is training your body. These few minutes of meditation will lead you to a positive life. 
Here I listed few benefits of Meditation which will make your life easier and your mind rich.

  • Release Stress.
  • Increase Concentration.
  • Strong Memory Power.
  • Lower Blood pressure.
  • Improved Blood Circulation.
  • Controls heart rate.
  • Reduces anger.
  • Fights depression and anxiety problems.

#How to medidate??? 

  • Sit comfortably in a quiet place keeping your back straight.
  • Keep your breathe normal.
  • Focus on your breathe rate and feel the inhalation or exhalation of your breathe. (Note:Your breathe should be normal i.e., not too fast not too slow).
  • If your focus gets disturbed, start focussing again.
  • Keep doing this for 2-3 minutes and increase your time limit later.
Make Meditation a part of your life and feel the beauty of this world.