Friday, October 12, 2018

Core Workout With Planks

Do you know what your core actually is?? What it does to your body?? How much body strength it can hold?? 
"Core is that area of the body in which the major muscles are concentrated including the pelvic muscles, abdominal muscle, multifidus, internal and external obliques and many more."

Following are the functions of the core:

  •  Contains and protects the internal organs
  •  Ensures greater mobility of the spine and trunk
  •  Maintains posture
  •  Stabilizes the top part of the body over the bottom part
  •  Controls the pelvic-lumbar relationship.
  • The core is used to stabilize the thorax and the pelvis during dynamic movement and it also provides internal pressure to expel substances (vomit, feces, carbon-laden air, etc.)
  • Women use their core muscles, specifically the during labor and delivery

Want to check how strong is your core?? Just perform an activity and know your core.
  • Sit on the floor.
  • Try to get up without keeping your hands on your knees or on the floor. Do not take any support.
  • If you could stand without taking any support, then your core is a bit stable.
  • If not, then perform the exercise mentioned below and make your core stronger.

It is been suggested majorily by the fitness trainers and health experts that the most effective and important exercise for strengthening the core is "PLANKS".

How it can be done??

#Standard Plank

  •  Place your hands directly under the shoulders like you’re about to do a push-up.
  •  Ground the toes into the floor and squeeze the glutes to stabilize the body. Your legs       should be working in the move too; careful not to lock or hyperextend your knees.
  •  Neutralize the neck and spine by looking at a spot on the floor about a foot beyond the hands. Your head should be in line with your back.
  • Hold the position for 20 seconds. As you get more comfortable with the move, hold your plank for as long as possible without compromising form or breath.

#Elbow Plank

  •  Keeping your position in the Standard plank now slowly place your elbows on the floor.
  •  Ground the toes into the floor and squeeze the glutes to stabilize the body. Your legs should be working in the move too; careful not to lock or hyperextend your knees.
  •  Neutralize the neck and spine by looking at a spot on the floor about a foot beyond the hands. Your head should be in line with your back.
  •  Hold the position for 20 seconds. As you get more comfortable with the move, hold your plank for as long as possible without compromising form or breath.

#Side Plank
  • Start on your side with your feet together and one forearm directly below your shoulder.
  • Contract your core and raise your hips until your body is in a straight line from head to feet.
  • Hold the position without letting your hips drop for the allotted time for each set, then repeat on the other side.
#Single-Leg Plank
  • Keep yourself in elbow plank position.
  • Slightly raise your one leg (as far as feels comfortable, without compromising your back).
  • Keep your hips parallel to the floor, then alternate legs.
  • This variation increases the demand of the core.
Mistakes during planks that shouldn't be ignored-

#Arched Back

#Poor Neck Alingment

#Too Low To The Ground

#Butt In The Air

So these were some of the most commom mistakes that people do during planks. Try to avoid this mistakes as much as you can and make your core stronger than before.

Friday, September 7, 2018

How To Boost Metabolism?

You must have heard the term "Metabolism" when it comes to good health. Metabolism plays a very crucial role in keeping a body fit and healthy. 

So what basically  Metabolism means?? 

In simple language, Metabolism is a process of converting food in energy. A complex biological reaction takes place in our body that convert food(glucose/carbs) into energy to maintain its proper functioning and makes you more energetic.

A slow metabolism leads to storage of fat, makes you fatique, difficulty in losing weight, inflexibility, dull skin, hair loss and many other health issues.

How To Boost Metabolism???

 Following are some ways to boost up your metabolism:-

  • Protein rich diet

Including enough protein in your health diet helps you increase your metabolic rate by 15-30%. It also makes you feel full and prevents your from over eating.

  • Drink Plenty of Water

Drinking plenty of water has always been proved the golden rule for a healthy body. Drinking  two glasses of cold water in the early morning simply boosts up the metabolism of the body and helps you to feel energetic and fresh and also a fast metabolism is a boon in weight loss.
  • Weight Training

Weight Training or simply lifting heavy weights will helps you to gain muscles and will increase your metabolic rate. Muscles burns a much higher percentage of calories at rest. So one should progressively lift weights and makes your body stronger.
  • Green Tea

Green Tea is rich in many anti-oxidents which boosts up metabolic rate upto 20-25%. Drinking green tea twice a day is much healthier option. Green tea also helps your to loose weight and stay fit.

  • A Good Night Sleep

Lack of sleep or insomnia is a major cause of slow metabolism and linked to obesity. It also leads to increased blood sugar levels and restricts the release of insulin which later turn into type-2 diabetes.
It's also been observed that lack of sleep makes you more hungry and struggle to loose weight.

So a good sleep of 7-8 hours is necessary for a healthy you.

So. what are you waiting for??

Just wake up your body and start your day with high metabolism and make yourself enthusiastic towards life. 

Wish you a Happy and Healthy Life :)

Monday, August 20, 2018

The Power Of A Positive Mind

positive attitude

You must have heard that very common expression or a proverbial phrase that "Half Empty or Half Full glass". According to that, if a glass half filled of water is kept in front of two persons then according to first person the glass is half empty and according to the second one the glass is half filled and we considered that the first person is a Pessimist(the person that observe the worst aspect of the situation) and the second person is  an Optimist(the person that see the best aspect of the situation).

So, my today's discussion is about this only. "The Magical Power of a Positive Mind"

How many of you have actually examined your way of thinking of your mind?? Have your mind ever made you think the best aspect in the worst situation?? 

So what basically a positive mind is??? A Positive Mind is a mental or emotional ability to observe the positive aspect or side of any situation and also expects a positive result. A positive attitude always foresee happiness, success, peace, health and believes that he will overcome any obstacle in his life.

If we train our mind to see the good in every thing we will definetly overcome with our problems. 
Here are few suggesstions that will definetly help you to think positive:-
1. Make up your "Mantra". When you wake up in the morning just say to yourself "I am a happy person", "Everything will be fine one day" or any other positive thought of the day and take a deep breathe. A positive saying influence our mind alot.

2. Try to think only the positive results of a situation. It acts like a driving force for hard work and leads you to success.

3. Don't bother about what the other people will think? What the society will think? What your friends will think? If you think that this action is good for you then go ahead.

4. Always put a little smile on your face. Deal with your problems with smile.

5. If you miss or get failed in any opportunity so just think that something much better is waiting for you in the future.

6. Meditate. It will give you peace in your mind and you will get focussed.

7. Apologize and forgive. Do not hold any hard feelings for anyone for so long, it will only disturb and destroy you.

8. Last but not the least "Never Give Up!!". Sometimes you can do everything right and things will still go wrong but the key is to never stop doing right.

Remember "A Positive Mind conquers the world and the heart of the people."
So readers Wish you a very happy, healthy and positive life.. :)

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Cardio Fitness: A Complete Heart Health

How many of you are actually aware about the Cardio Fitness??  Cardio Fitness also known as "Cardiovascular Fitness" is the ability of heart and lunges to provide oxygen rich blood to the working muscles and tissues to provide energy for movement.
Cardio Fitness is a key to a happy heart and your Health Pal. A poor cardiovascular fitness leads to many cardiovascular diseases like heart stroke, high blood pressure etc. 
Cardio exercises basically are those exercises that put the heart rate up and increases blood circulation.
Some of the cardio exercises are:-

  1. Running
  2. Skipping Rope
  3. Jumping
  4. High Knees
Here, I listed Some of the benefits of cardiovascular exercises:

  • Weight loss
  • Stronger heart and lungs
  • Reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases
  • Stronger bones
  • Reduce anxiety and depression
  • Increase blood circulation
  • Boost metabolic rate
  • Better Sleep
  • More strength and stamina
So, start engaging yourself into cardiovascular fitness for a happy and healthy heart and live a long healthy and quality life.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Yoga: A Fusion Of Physical, Mental And Spiritual Discipline

Yoga is one of the most beautiful form of practice of living a healthy and positive life. It is a perfect blend of physical, mental and spiritual health discipline. 
The origins of Yoga has been speculated from ancient times in India. It is believed that Yoga is one of the means of connecting one's soul with the God.
Yoga itself is a complete package of positivity but one has to unwrap it. Here I listed below some of the aasans for beginners which they can practice :

  1. Bridge Pose- (Setubandhasana)
  2. Snake Pose- (Bhujangasana/Sarpasana)
  3. Sun Salutation- (Surya Namaskar)
  4. Chair Pose- (Utkatasana)

  5. Warrior Pose-(Veerabhadraasana)
So, mentioned above few yoga poses for beginners that you can do anywhere without any equipment. Try to do these asanas regularly, it will just take 15 minutes of your day. Invest few minutes for a healthy you. There are many more asanas of Yoga and their countless benefits that people must try.
Here I listed few advantages of Yoga:-

  • Makes your body flexible.
  • Increase muscle strength and tone.
  • Weight reduction.
  • Increase Cardio strength.
  • Improve Respiration.
  • Cure of many diseases.
  • Balance metabolism in your body.
  • Gives positivity towards life.
  • Improve blood circulation.
  • Glowing skin.
 Wish you a Happy and Healthy Life :)

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

The Importance Of Balanced Nutrition Diet

Hello beautiful people..!!! Did you took your nutrition meal today?? No? Do you remenber the last time you had your perfect balanced diet?? No?
So today Your Health Pal is going to talk to you about the importance of a complete balanced diet in your routine life.
What Balanced Diet actually means?? It is basically "A diet that includes varieties of food that is having essential nutrients that our body requires to be able to function properly."  
In today's hectic schedule and modern lifestyle people are so engaged in their work that they forget themselves. They don't even have time to eat properly. They skip their breakfast(which is the most important part of the day) and eat junk. Due to all this, they are lacking in having all the nutrients that their body requires to function properly and affects their health.
Here are few disadvantages of not including balanced diet in your life.

  • Stress
  • Fatique
  • Skin problems like white spots, hyperpigmention, aging, wrinkles etc..
  • Depression
  • Overweight or Obesity
  • High Blood Pressure
  • High Cholestrol
  • Heart stroke
  • Weaker bones
  • Affects brain functions
  • Type-2 diabetes
Balanced Diet advantages includes-

  • Stronger Immune System
  • High Metabolism
  • Healthy Heart
  • High Energy level
  • Positivity
  • Healthy and glowing skin
  • Adequate Body Weight.
  • Stress free mind
What should be in my balanced diet???
Your Balanced Diet should include-

  • Roughage which includes salad (raw carrot, cucumber, tomatoes, beetroot etc..)
  • Protein which includes pulses, chicken, soya, eggs, fish etc.
  • Dairy (milk,curd,cottage cheese)
  • Fat which includes Oil, ghee, butter (olive oil, vegetable oil etc)
  • Calcium (milk)
  • Vitamins and Minerals which includes green leafy vegetables and colourful fruits.
## The most easiest, tricky and interesting way of having balanced diet is add more color to your food plate. The more colorful ingredients the more healthy and attractive it will be.

Wish you a Happy and Healthy Fooding. 

Monday, August 6, 2018

Water- An Indispensable Key To Good Health

Water is transparent, tasteless, odourless substance that is found in  nature. It is also known as "Universal Solvent". 
But most of the people are unaware of the health benefits of drinking enough water. Drinking enough water acts as a cure for many health issues. One should drink atleast 3-4 litres of water everyday but should avoid drinking water at night.
Here, I listed below some of the health benefits of drinking more water.   

  • Weight Loss
Drinking enough water helps you with weight loss because it can increase satiety and boost up your metabolic rate.

  • Detoxification
Water with lemon act as a good detox water and help you to get rid of bloated stomach, inflammation and flushes out the toxins from the body.

  •   Glowing Skin
Drinking 3-4 litres of water everyday helps you to get rid of many skin problems like pigmentation, dark spots, dark circles, acne, etc... Drinking water helps you to get glowing skin.

  • Boosts Immune System
Water carries oxygen to the body cells which helps in properly functioning of the body and also it flushes out toxins from your body and helps to build a stronger immune system.
  • Prevents Cramps and Sprain.
Due to dehydration people experience cramps and sprains in muscles. To avoid this killer pain of cramps drink enough water and keep yourself hydrated.
  • Proper Digestion
If you maintain a proper regularity in drinking more water then you will be having a healthy digestive system because water helps you to digest anything you eat.

 Water is one of Your Health Pal of your life..... :)
So readers wish you a healthy and hydrated life. 

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Meditation Made It Simple

Nowadays, in the hectic and modern lifestyle people live under tremendous pressure and anxiety  and they are not aware of it. Today's world is so competitive that people don't have time to invest for themselves, they don't have time to know their mind, they don't have time to talk to their inner souls. They are lacking in their inner peace of mind.

Well... the most easiest way to calm yourself is Meditation. Just spend few minutes with yourself and you will win half of the battle. Meditation is basically training your mind just like exercise  is training your body. These few minutes of meditation will lead you to a positive life. 
Here I listed few benefits of Meditation which will make your life easier and your mind rich.

  • Release Stress.
  • Increase Concentration.
  • Strong Memory Power.
  • Lower Blood pressure.
  • Improved Blood Circulation.
  • Controls heart rate.
  • Reduces anger.
  • Fights depression and anxiety problems.

#How to medidate??? 

  • Sit comfortably in a quiet place keeping your back straight.
  • Keep your breathe normal.
  • Focus on your breathe rate and feel the inhalation or exhalation of your breathe. (Note:Your breathe should be normal i.e., not too fast not too slow).
  • If your focus gets disturbed, start focussing again.
  • Keep doing this for 2-3 minutes and increase your time limit later.
Make Meditation a part of your life and feel the beauty of this world.

Taking First Step Towards Health

"Your health is an investment not an expense, although it will become an expense if you don't take time to invest in it."
So, get started see the healthiest version of you. I know being healthy is a long time commitment but one has to start from somewhere.

Start your health journey with a 30 mins walk in the early morning. Walking in the morning on a regular basis will result in multiple health benefits and it is sure to enhance not only physical health but also mental and emotional well-being.
Early morning walks are the best because your body is energized and blood circulation is high and your body also absorbs Vitamin D from the early morning rays of the sun. Early morning walks also acts as a great stress buster because you get close to the nature and absorbs positive vibes. Morning walk is a boon to your heart health and when you walk fast , you burn more calories.
Put your shoes on........ and take a step towards yourself.... :)